
From StekloSouz: International Forum "Glass and modern technologies - XXI"

StekloSouz inform us about the International Forum "Glass and modern technologies - XXI"


Technical Groups meeting: topics of interest

This document is reserved for the Associations.


Presentations used during the First Convention of International Glass Associations

In this article you may find all the presentations used during the First Convention of International Glass Associations (Murano, 21st-22nd June 2017).


This project grew out of ideas raised at the first International Convention of Glass Industry Associations, held in Murano (Venice, Italy) June 21-22, 2017.

The two-day event was the first time internationally-based industry representatives had come together to openly and jointly tackle the most relevant topics of interest to the glass industry worldwide.

During the sessions, it seemed only natural to find a way to extend and unify the dialog through the creation of this Community.


The Community’s mission is to provide the international associations representing the world of glass with a meeting place, and a functional means for continuing the dialog begun in Murano in 2017.

Some practical ideas arose during the two-day Venetian event that are only an initial collection of topics of interest to members of the Community.


As of October 25th, 25 Associations and Research Centers are participating in the Community, along with 17 technical Trade Journals reporting on the glass industry.

Special thanks to ITA (Italian Trade Agency), whose belief in the project and outstanding support made the Convention possible.

Dino Zandonella Necca Having successfully assembled the leading glass industry associations at a meeting in Murano, Italy -- cradle of the history and tradition of global glassmaking -- is a huge satisfaction.

The enthusiasm that was already palpable in the first day of work sessions spread contagiously to the second day of meetings, confirming the value of our initiative.

As business entrepreneurs and institutional representatives, we are all united by a profound passion for glass, a precious and irreplaceable material.

And that was clear in these two days of meetings. Being able to express our respective needs, country by country, with the aim of bringing common aims into focus and concentrate our energies on a shared goal for the entire industry was the winning component of this important meeting.

Which explains why I am especially pleased to welcome all of you to our Community.

Dino Zandonella Necca, President of Vitrum